스네이크가 음식을 먹었을 때 점수를 카운트하고
점수를 화면에 띄우는 코드와 설정은
유튜버 "골드메탈"님의 영상을 참고하였다.
추가적으로 기존에 음식 종류가 하나이었던 것을
총 3종류로 만들고 각자 다른 점수를 배부하는 추가 작업을 진행하였다.
이 역시 유튜버 "골드메탈"님의 영상을 참고하였다.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Food : MonoBehaviour
// Point Var
public int point;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SpawnFood : MonoBehaviour
// Food Prefab -> Changed to Array
public GameObject[] foodPrefab;
// Border
public Transform borderTop;
public Transform borderBottom;
public Transform borderLeft;
public Transform borderRight;
void Start()
// Repeat Function (function name, first delay time, repeat delay time)
InvokeRepeating("Spawn", 3, 4);
// Spawn Food
void Spawn()
// Food Position in Range of Border
int x = (int)Random.Range(borderLeft.position.x, borderRight.position.x);
int y = (int)Random.Range(borderBottom.position.y, borderTop.position.y);
// Copy Food -> Changed to Ramdom Index
Instantiate(foodPrefab[Random.Range(0,3)], new Vector2(x, y), Quaternion.identity);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class Snake : MonoBehaviour // SnakeMove -> Snake
// Snake Movement Var
Vector2 dir = 1 * Vector2.right;
Vector2 dirTemp = 1 * Vector2.right;
private float size = 1;
// Snake Direction Var
float h;
float v;
bool isHorizonMove;
// Mobile Key Var
int up_Value;
int down_Value;
int left_Value;
int right_Value;
bool up_Down;
bool down_Down;
bool left_Down;
bool right_Down;
bool up_Up;
bool down_Up;
bool left_Up;
bool right_Up;
// Snake Tail Var & Prefab
List<Transform> tail = new List<Transform>();
public GameObject tailPrefab;
// for Check that Snake Eat
bool ate = false;
// for Check of Border
bool isBorder = false;
// Score Var
public int score = 0;
void Start()
InvokeRepeating("Move", 0.05f, 0.05f);
void Update()
// Move Value (PC + Mobile)
h = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") + (right_Value + left_Value);
v = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical") + (up_Value + down_Value);
// Check Button Down & Up (PC || Mobile)
bool hDown = Input.GetButtonDown("Horizontal") || right_Down || left_Down;
bool vDown = Input.GetButtonDown("Vertical") || up_Down || down_Down;
bool hUp = Input.GetButtonUp("Horizontal") || right_Up || left_Up;
bool vUp = Input.GetButtonUp("Vertical") || up_Up || down_Up;
// Check Horizontal Move
if (hDown)
isHorizonMove = true;
else if (vDown)
isHorizonMove = false;
else if (hUp || vUp)
isHorizonMove = (h != 0);
// Determine Direction
if (h != 0 || v != 0)
dirTemp = dir;
dir = (isHorizonMove ? new Vector2(h, 0) : new Vector2(0, v));
// Check Snake Direction (Reverse)
if (dir == -dirTemp)
dir = dirTemp;
// Mobile Var Init
up_Down = false;
down_Down = false;
left_Down = false;
right_Down = false;
up_Up = false;
down_Up = false;
left_Up = false;
right_Up = false;
void Move()
// Store Present Position
Vector2 v = transform.position;
// Check whether Front is Border or Not
if (isBorder)
// Go Same Way
dir = -dir;
transform.Translate(size * dir);
isBorder = false;
transform.Translate(size * dir);
// Check whether Snake Eats Food or Not
if (ate)
// Copy the Tail in Present Position
GameObject g = (GameObject)Instantiate(tailPrefab, v, Quaternion.identity);
// Store the Tail
tail.Insert(0, g.transform);
ate = false;
// Move the Tail to the Head
else if (tail.Count > 0)
tail.Last().position = v;
tail.Insert(0, tail.Last());
tail.RemoveAt(tail.Count - 1);
// Button Down (Mobile)
public void ButtonDown(string type)
switch (type)
case "U":
up_Value = 1;
up_Down = true;
case "D":
down_Value = -1;
down_Down = true;
case "L":
left_Value = -1;
left_Down = true;
case "R":
right_Value = 1;
right_Down = true;
// Button Up (Mobile)
public void ButtonUp(string type)
switch (type)
case "U":
up_Value = 0;
up_Up = true;
case "D":
down_Value = 0;
down_Up = true;
case "L":
left_Value = 0;
left_Up = true;
case "R":
right_Value = 0;
right_Up = true;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
// Eat Food
if (col.gameObject.tag == "Food")
ate = true;
// Add Score
Food foodLogic = col.gameObject.GetComponent<Food>();
score += foodLogic.point;
// Check Border
if (col.gameObject.tag == "Border")
isBorder = true;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
// Snake
public GameObject snake;
// Score
public Text scoreText;
void Update()
// Load Score from Snake Script
Snake snakeLogic = snake.GetComponent<Snake>();
scoreText.text = string.Format("{0:n0}", snakeLogic.score);
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